Parents as Partners in Children’s Learning
We look upon Kirkstall Valley Primary School as one large family – which includes our children, our staff, our parents and our governors. We pride ourselves that Kirkstall Valley is a truly friendly, welcoming place for children, parents, staff and visitors. The support and co-operation of parents is highly valued and essential to children’s success and happiness. Parents and teachers are partners in the education of children, and we encourage open and positive relationships between them. You are always welcome to come into school to chat to the staff or, if you have the time, to offer your help within the classes. Each year we have a Bring Your Parents to School Day – so if time is limited, you are most welcome to pop in on that day and enjoy the lessons with your child.
There is a staff and parents group who meet regularly (PTA) and raise money for the school by running fun events and the Autumn and Summer Fayres. If you would like to get involved, please speak to Mrs Draper or Mrs Tordoff.
We always welcome parents in school and we are available to discuss your child both informally and at the two parent evenings in October and March each year. However, if there is a problem, there will always be someone to speak to you at the end of a phone or at the beginning and end of the school day.
Special Assembly
There is a Special Assembly every Friday afternoon- we will send you a VIP invite if your child is up for an award!